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<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jobsity/ReactChallenge/main/src/assets/jobsity_logo_small.png"/>
<img src="https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E0BAQETyObSEmZH-A/company-logo_200_200/0/1693956448491/jobsity_llc_logo?e=1723075200&v=beta&t=rGq4fY1cprFyIaSabim0_bgb-QLCbJUk6Es9dXuua1w"/>
## Description
... | ... | @@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ You should start by rendering a single month view of a calendar for the current |
- Ability to add "*reminders*" (max. 30 characters) for a day and time specified by the user. Also, include a city.
- Ability to edit reminders - including changing text, city, day and time.
- Add a weather service call from [MetaWeather](https://www.metaweather.com/), [AccuWeather](https://developer.accuweather.com/accuweather-forecast-api/apis/get/forecasts/v1/daily/5day/%7BlocationKey%7D) or [VisualCrossing](https://www.visualcrossing.com/weather/weather-data-services#/login) and get the weather forecast (e.g. Rain) for the date of the calendar reminder based on the city.
- You will need to **record a video explaining the code** you created, the decisions you made, its functionality, and demonstrating the complete operation of the challenge. _Remember to show the execution from scratch, it should not be running beforehand._
## Bonus (Optional)
## Bonus (Optional)
- Expand the calendar to support more than the current month or year.
- Properly handle overflow when multiple reminders appear on the same date.
- Unit test the functionality: *Ability to add "*reminders*" (max. 30 characters) for a day and time specified by the user. Also, include a city.*
## Considerations
- Show us in the Readme all relevant information about your project.
- The project is completely focused on Front-end. Ignore the Back-end.
- Create your Calendar using the route `/calendar`
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